Saturday, January 07, 2006

Operation: Classified

A truth is out there . . . somewhere . . . somewhere really close by . . . really . . . no, really . . . like around the next corner . . . okay, maybe the next, next corner.

Premise: The characters in this game are agents of various government organizations under the nominal leadership of the FBI who have been sent by their superior officer, a neurotic FBI agent known as Agent Binkley, to investigate a small town for rumours of alien sightings, find aliens, and learn their plans for humanity, vis a vis alien invasion, eating our men, oggling our women, trying to convert us to their religion, etc.

The characters have been assigned rooms in a rooming house in Springfield, Maine, run by Mrs. Rudolph, an old German lady with 20 cats, on ??? street.

Game Time: Undetermined, as of yet. I can run from ~6:30 - 11 PM (PST) Tuesday or Thursday nights. Wednesday or Friday nights would run from 7:30 - 11:30 if we had to use one of those nights. The game will run 1-2 nights a week, ideally.

Character Creation: Risus! Each character has 10 dice to put into traits, plus one free die in Government Operative. No more than 3 dice can be put into any one trait unless you plead with the GM. Creative trait naming is mandatory, Agent!

Name: Player name.
Character: PC Name. Include nicknames.
Traits: List 'em.
Background Traits: This is an additional 3 dice in "useless" traits. Say, being a Chess Champion (2) back in high school. They're for hobbies, and things you did before becoming an agent and the like. Flavour, basically.
Agency: Who you work for.
Real Agency: For players who want to be double, trouble, quintuple agents and the like. (Possibly without even knowing.)
Secret(s): Everyone's got at least one.
Description: What does your agent look like?
Background: What made you become an agent? Why did you take this assignment? What did you used to do? Could your family be important to the game? If so, list them. Backgrounds can read like dossiers, if you want.
Equipment: What you have with you. This includes contacts, vehicles, weapons and the like.

Allowed Optional Risus Rules: Hooks, Tails (for valour above and beyond the basic Call of Duty in making a background). Pumping Cliché's is allowed as well, but Double Pumps are not, save for supernatural critters and the like.

Refer to The Risus Page for information about any of this.