Saturday, November 30, 2013

The time of the four is upon us again....

The Time: Now.

Setting: Modern earth.

Players: 4 max.

Characters: Entirely up to each player. Human. Occupations, age etc. variable.

System: OVA-Risus,as follows.
Everyone has 2 free dice to roll in any action they can reasonably attempt. Cliche dice are added on top of this (max one cliche in use at a time) if one has a fitting one. PCs have 9 dice to put into cliches. Only 1 cliche can have 4 dice, all others must be 1-3.
In addition, every PC has 1 die in ‘special’, which can increase or alter as the game progresses.

All pcs have 2 dice in flaws. (Either 1 2-die flaw, or 2 1-die flaws. Entirely up to the PC. Flaws that adversely affect gameplay won't be allowed. (Such as making a PC if your name is Kentari).)

Health and endurance exist; the GM will keep track of both.

Game Premise: It’s the end of the world. It wasn’t until today, but each PC wakes up, begins their day and finds out they have become one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, aka their 'special' cliche. Angels and demons, unseen to regular humans, are warring over the fate of the world as they always have and it is the four horsemen who are the deciding votes. They are human, because of Rules, and each has terrible power you must constrain or risk bringing about the end of the world. If you die, some other person becomes the horseman and they may not be near as moral as you are ….

The horsemen are as follows: Death, Pestilence, Famine and War. Players can pick whatever one they’d like, with the proviso that something in their characters background/cliches links them to that. (An anorexic or author of a diet book could be a basis for Famine, for example).

All you know is that you have been given terrible power (by Whom is unknown) and can, if you all desire it, end the very world you live in. There are angels and demons circling you all, trying to make you make one choice or another and the power you’ve been given is so easy to use and so very, very tempting.

Note: Famine has been taken.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

..... internet explorer. As a magicial girl anime.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it: stat every broswer as a magical girl in BESM.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Game stuff shall resume in December. Probably NOT OH, I suspect. For a few reasons.

I have a couple of ideas rummaging in my head; toss any my way during November.

Basic thoughts:

  • 2-3 player game, max. 
  • Setting and system variable. (Ova Risus has been at least decent for a simple but not too simple system.) 
  • Game plays at least twice a week.
  • Player input VITAL: aka, given Setting and System, what kind of PC(s) do you want to make. How do you want them to grow? What do you want them to get out of the game?
  • etc.

I prefer modern world to Fantasy (in terms of needing less work to do pre-game stuff). Toss ideas and thoughts my way and I'll try to make a setting up from them in November while not writing things.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Only Heroes: Side Sessiony Goodness

OH Side sessions are being offered this week. HUZZAH! We've had eight sessions so far and the game is going smoothly, PCs jelling together not unlike food that Prudence makes. You've beat villains, hired a PR person, arranged for a lawyer and a secretary with admirable levels of paranoia and genre-savvy. (Or oddity: I doubt most super teams make having a secretary any kind of priority :) )

The goal of the side-sessions is time-stretching RP stuff. Clothing shopping, groceries, wandering the neighbourhood, playing cards and chatting. Basically ways for the PCs to get to know each other and NPCs better. Also, PCs get to advance and work on PC-specific plot threads. They'll be offered this week on Saturday (July 27) and the Monday and Tuesday (July 29 & 30). I'll probably offer this every X sessions or so as I don't want the game to bog down in side-sessions.

But I'm OK with that if it leads to more dice. - Sparkie

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Side of the Only Heroes Situation

So as is apparent to everyone, the whole thing escalated into quite a dramatic situation. I get the impression I offended people, and while I honestly still don't understand the cause for the level of emotional response, I still want to apologize to those people for it. I'm sorry.

Alcar compared it to causing a car accident behind one's self and never seeing it happen, but I don't think that's exactly apt, since I see that there is apparently a problem, I just don't really understand why. From my perspective, it's more like the following metaphorical scenario:

Four friends and I agree to all eat lunch together on a certain day, but on that day I'm delayed by having to talk to a teacher and so I end up showing up to lunch period ten to fifteen minutes late, and everyone is already sitting at a table together and eating. They all picked out their food together, but because I was late I didn't. One friend had something for me to eat, but when he showed it to me, it turned out it was something I found to have an odd flavor and I may have been mildly allergic to some of the ingredients. So I went and got some food which I like to eat, but unbeknownst to me, some of my friends thought that new food was gross.

As I returned to the table, two of my friends suddenly jump up from their chairs angrily. They grab my lunch, throw it in the trash, and push me out of the cafeteria, intending to lock me out entirely. I manage to pull aside the one who seemed the most upset, who was also the same one who had offered me the food, and attempt to talk to him about it. He won't really explain why he's so angry, but he finally says he'd be okay with me coming back and eating lunch with them, as long as I don't ask him what food I should pick out to eat.

I go through the lunch line again and pick out some food that is almost identical to what my friends were eating, trying my best to choose things that won't somehow offend them, and then I show it to each of them. The two friends who hadn't been angry in the first place nodded their approval right away, and the one I talked to earlier didn't want to give an opinion, but didn't stop me from sitting down. However, the other friend who had been angry refused to look and declared that I shouldn't be allowed to eat any lunch at all, since I showed up to lunch period late.

So from my end, I truly don't understand why the issue of the deadline is enough to cause this level of turmoil. As far as I can tell, the primary point of having a deadline was to ensure everyone could give feedback and have input on what each other person was making. And after the snafu with the first character I made, I did everything I could to illicit input and feedback on a new one, but didn't receive any. So I tried really hard to just tailor the new one to fit the group and the other characters as well as possible, and I got approval right away on it from two players, so I figure I must have done an okay job of it.

In the end, I only have one person denying me entry, and the stated reason is the the deadline. The thing is, I do have a character that was approved before the deadline, and while I wasn't entirely sold on it at the time, if the choice is to play that character or not play, I'd choose to play it. But to be honest, I really do feel like the latest character I made would fit the group better than that one. I'd probably have a better time playing it, and other characters would probably have a better time interacting with it, compared to the pre-deadline one. But if the deadline is the end-all-be-all, I could just use the one that was approved in time.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Sparkie would like everyone to know who the best dicebot ever is

<AlcarGM> Gas-Mask grabs the back of his head, whimpering in pain from the blow and checks his mask and the tank fearfully. "I ... don't ... I surrender. Please?"
* Faith`^ zaps him with the taser while he's pre-occupied
<Faith`^> =p
<AlcarGM> New Round :)
<AlcarGM> lol
<Owlgirl> "Surrender accepted."
* Owlgirl reads him his rights :P
<AlcarGM> Faith zaps anyway? :)
<Faith`^> yup!
<AlcarGM> Dice!
<Faith`^> 2d6+4
<Sparkie> Faith`^ 2d6+4: 14(10)
<AlcarGM> 2d6+2 - pure sparkie luck?
<Sparkie> AlcarGM 2d6+2: 14(12) - pure sparkie luck?
<Faith`^> wat?
* prudence *stares*
<AlcarGM> ..... really?
<Owlgirl> hahahahaha

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Only Heroes - Session #1

"This is Stacey Simmons for WINE 99.9, coming to you live Saturday morning and it looks like it's going to be another hot one today! School starts on Monday for all the kidlets and parents, so if you want to know where to get supplies, brace yourself for commercial plugs later on! But first, it's warm and staying that way all week it seems, a nice way to begin September if you're not in school, but you didn't tune in for the weather so here's the news for you. The Atomizer has been leaving calling cards all over the city, the courts won't release details of Judith Richenfield's trial, Ben Sirah is apparently selling himself out as some kind of internet service and the not-infamous gang known as the Cheshire Cats have been thrown behind bars by the police. A lot of small-time villains are becoming big-time without the Protectorate around and no one seems to know when they'll return. There's even doubts if they will.

"With me to discuss it is Professor Egghead, ex-villain and specialist in metahuman relationships at Darwin U! Tell me, prof, just how bad is it? Should kids bother going to school? Will teachers have to teach the old 'duck under the desk' routine for supervillain attacks?"

"It is hardly a joking matter, Ms. Simmons. That no hero has returned from the Vanishing presupposses that they cannot: I believe the most common theory is radiation from an anti-mattrer universe: if they did return and bring that with them, this entire universe would be destroyed. Of course, we're well aware that they will return soon, but two weeks is a long time in the news and some villains are going to try and raise their status without anyone of importance to stop them. The police cannot be everywhere and most of the reserves and sidekicks the Protectorate had access to seemed to have succumbed to the Vanishing as well."

"So no good news at all, doc?"

"Heroes will step forward. Villains will see the need for redemption and seek public glory. Whether it will be enough remains to be seen, but not all villains are motivated by simple goals as my book The Villain Inside clearly demonstrates. Heroes have become villains, villains have become heroes: it's those who were on the sidelines or didn't think their was a need for them to be a hero with the market so glutted who will determine if there is a new Protectorate, and the public who will determine if they succeed at all."

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine! So it's doom but not gloom for Darwin City, and a lot of people are going to be wondering who these new heroes are and if they have the chops to stand up to the wave of petty crimes that are slowly esclating into big-time robberies. Villains are pushing boundaries, and the police alone can't push them all back. Well, not without breaking the budget! Tune in after this break for my interview with Mayor Amanda Hill on city hall's budget plans after this!"

Commercial Break: "Tired of seeing your car destroyed by supervillains? With McGovern Insurance, you're covered against everything from acts of gods to aliens! Our professional claims adjusters will --."

"And this is Stacey Simmons, for WINE FM, cutting in to let you know that there's shenanigans at the Wal-Mart. Don't go. If you're going, go back home. Details are sketchy, but the police have it surrounded. At least the building is still standing. We'll have updates for you as we get them, including what villain is robbing a Wal-Mart in the first place, in just a moment."

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

The Protectorate Warehouse!

So, here is your warehouse. The elevator leads down to the parking garage (which contains storage), the bedrooms all have 2 bunk beds in each and are rather no frills. The tech room has a workshop, computers for use and the like. Each bedroom has a small, no-frills bathroom, and the warehouse can be accessed via key or keypad, with one entrance near the training room and another by the tech room.

It ha`s been a training area for a good 10 years and is well-used but still quite serviceable.

Monday, June 03, 2013

Only Heroes: Only Experience

Experience will be awarded during this game, with caveats: you can increase existing abilities. Adding new/other abilities will only be allowed if it makes sense as an outgrowth of something else: EX: Flight, to spaceflight (and accompanying special defenses). Spider-Man can class as a good example: he doesn't gain abilities inasmuch as become better at his existing ones as he gets older.

Ways 'around' this: begin with flexible abilities you can grow in interesting ways around the central theme of your PC. Get items: powered armour/suits and the like can help make up for some things. In general, this is true of all superheroes in the setting -- they get better at what they already do rather than gain new abilities.

(Supervillains tend to be different, sometimes owing to illegal drugs or experimentation.)

In general, PCs can gain a lot from increased ACV/DCV, combat techniques and so forth as a means of growing that isn't reliant strictly on 'increase powers'.

(Also, it means the more powerful heroes (pre-Vanishing) probably started out overall weaker than some contemporaries. Hence the draw to being in teams and working together.)

Sunday, June 02, 2013

OH Timeline

As things stand now. The Protectorate was the team in Darwin City, having a rotating group of ~10 members with a large group of ex-members as a Reserve and most every other hero in the city affiliated as an Ally. Based out of Darwin Tower in the middle of the city, they protected it and offered free training for other heroes in their warehouse down by the docks.

Six months ago, via police contacts, the warehouse base and the like, the PCs  met in one form or another.

Two weeks ago, the Vanishing happened.

Now: people are starting to think it might be permanent, and you seem to be the only heroes around with a) history together (however tenuous) and b) the willingness to step up into huge shoes and do what you can to protect the city.

Owlgirl has the current passcode (and keys) into the warehouse, and some other PCs may have the passcodes as well. Darwin Tower is locked up tight, but the warehouse gives you a base of operations to act from and has showers, a living area, and even spartan bedrooms (a half-dozen) that can be slept in, along with a work-out room, training mats, and computers. Who is paying for it all to keep running is, at present, unknown.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Consensuses for Only Heroes

We have a simple majority for a parliamentary style leader who is chosen by majority and left in his or her station until the majority no longer holds confidence in that decision. The leader has the authority to make a decision when it is evident that decisions aren't obvious, at the leader's discretion, and we all agree to suffer Alcar-deterined consequences if we, as followers, should work against the coherence of the team.
Of course, if a bad call was made, a vote of confidence can arise in that parliamentary fashion. Votes of confidence and other issues are handled privately "in the locker room," and not "on the field," or else you're not being a Team Player.

Characters must look and act like adults.

Anthropomorphism Requirements
No restrictions.

Banned stuff
Within limits on the site, anything goes for the rough draft. Companion is unlikely to be allowed, for obvious reasons. (Sparkie has tried to ban divine relationship.)

The PCs are the fractured remnants of an established team that was started before the vanishing and must now struggle to persist past it. If saving the world (possibly even for the sake of loved ones) isn't good enough reason to join, your PC doesn't strictly belong in a superhero organization.

Propose backstory relationships to other characters at will.

Basic PC concepts (in terms of roles)
Caltak: Transport, Decoy, Mascot
Chaos: Healer, ranged, inventor
Fennec: ranged violence, suppression, melee/tank
Kentari: scout, diplomat, healer
 Lunchie: Unknown.

Game Time
One weeknight (undetermined, depends on lunchie) at ~6 pkm PST

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Only Heroes - Editorial



There has only been one story the last two weeks: where have they gone? Every major hero and big-name villain is simply gone, even those who shouldn't be. So far most of the now-major league villains are in hiding, quiet and still, expecting it to be a kind of trap or trick. But what if it's not? What if they really are gone? Loaded questions, with bullet answers.
  • There have always been more villains than heroes. Some of that is because heroes retire more often, a lot is probably human nature. For the most part, the heroes were stronger and braver and held the world together, drew lines in the sand that no villain managed to cross. Do your crime, and you ended up in a MetaMax prison and almost no-one ever broke in or out of one of those.
  • While officials won't answer, it seems likely that the major metahumans in them were subject to the Vanishing as well: which means they have an awful lot of room in cells now. That will keep the smarter villains in line, but as Morning Maid said in an interview years ago, the truly smart ones never become super villains. The rest may start breaking unwritten rules without anyone to hold them back.
  • The government is looking into setting up the Superhuman Outreach Council again, with the goal being to find part-time superheroics to keep the number of villains down. Whether this will pass muster in Congress is anyone's guess.
  • Those In The Know worry what Professor Green will do. No one seems to know if he really is a professor, but Green has been active since the 60s, shows no sign of getting older and has a staggering fortune at his disposal, all geared toward the destruction of humanity. It's estimated that over 70% of global-warming denial can be traced back to him and what he might fund or plan without superhumans to stop him is anyone's guess. (On a lighter note, when asked whether he had funded young-earth creationism, he reportedly said that he does have standards,)
  • Another worry is an economic collapse owing to a certain number of large corporations being owned by superhumans: a Hall of Heroes must be funded somehow, after all, and a few titans of industry seem to have gone on 'vacation' shortly after the Vanishing, with no signs of returning to work.
  • On the plus side, a lot of companies have lost their superhuman product endorsement and any hero wanting some decent pay on the side might be able to work out a deal with Nike shoes and the like. Not that the major heroes ever did that, but times might be changing ....

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Only Heroes

How to tell if you are a hero in one easy step: Are you motivated by self-interest in your actions? If yes, you are a supervillain. If no, you may be a super hero. (Stanley Milgram, 1956, in the letters page of American Psychiatric Quarterly)

They have been among us since the 1950s, heroes and villains larger than life with powers and abilities to match, able to fly or survive impossible situations, destroy entire meteors or create wondrous artifacts of the world to come. And yet for every hero, a dozen or more villains would emerge whose goals were less kind, whose motivations were darker and whose desires were as wild and mad as the heroes were gallant and brave. Explanations ranged from 'the War' to human nature, religious convictions, nature vs. nurture and most everything else under the sun. The truth is that, like why superhumans exist, no one knows what motivates people to take the paths they take in life. Great men, as Lord Acton pointed out, are almost always bad men, but there were somehow always enough heroes to hold back the shadows.

The world has changed much since the days of the second great wold war: we not only have our defenders and our villains, but there are computers whose power could scarcely have been imaged in that era and the world has become both utopic and orwellian somehow at the same time. There are companies with their own private superhero, the children of superhumans with powers that put even their parents to shame and seven known alien species that have had contact with humanity in this brave new world we find ourselves living in. It is not our parents world and it is far better for it.

Or is was, until recently: a flash of indigo light filled the entire world visible to the naked eye as far away as the crab nebula, and when it cleared most of the superheroes and all the truly powerful villains were simply gone. Where, and why? No one knows. Best guess is some supervillains weapon worked better than expected [by which we mean it worked at all...] and took them all Elsewhere. Even the hero known as Walker, who could move between time and space, has not returned. They may be dead, or lost, or trapped. No one knows.

But the villains that remain are attacking banks, Walmart, Home Depot and anywhere else they can garner supplies from. There have always been more villains, but the heroes were more powerful. This is no longer the case, and for the first time people are feeling scared of superhumans, worried about the world in ways they never really were before. Oh, there have been Death Rays and Planet Bombs, but nothing ever came from them: it was as if the villains needed to be stopped, or it had all become a kind of private game for everyone to enjoy and suddenly the balance has shifted.

The only problem is the police are outgunned and undermanned and the heroes left are the ones who never ended up on teams or made the news, the ones who aren't much more than regular themselves and now the only ones left to somehow work together and keep the world from falling apart until the real heroes make it back. If they ever do at all....

Game Concept: The PCs are very much underdogs who need to work together in order to defeat the supervillains left in the city of Darwin Bay. Unlike most games, you're not as powerful as your enemies and will need a lot of luck and skill to survive.

PC Creation: BESM3, 150 points to build your PC with. You can take only ~10 points in defects. After this, you have 20 points to spend in just skills.
Your PCs will be at the upper limit of the human level in BESM bencharks, to whit: Attributes cannot be higher than 3, Combat Value maxes out at 7, Health at 90, your damage multiplier at 5.

Note: Up to 5 bonus points can be gained from creating NPCs and teams for the world: what major teams used to exist? What villains were terrifying? What ones still exist who are the new Terror? Completely statted NPCs and the like are not necessary as much as fun blurbs to explain them all to everyone else.

Note #2: Dynamic powers will not be allowed. Magic will be very limited, as this is intended to be a magic-lite setting for the most part. Companion is actively discouraged unless it is flat-out necessary for a PC concept.

Tone: This game isn't intended to be 4-colour, but neither is it grim & gritty. The superheroes and villains have an unspoken code about not killing [many] civilians. And each other, by and large, but this owes more to practicality than anything else: the death of The Atomic in 1971 left a good chunk of the Sudan radioactive. Likewise, prisons exist for superhumans than do manage to contain them, laws are observed and sentences served out for crimes.

The world: Superhumans have existed for over 60 years. This is known to most everyone and understood as such: the kid who skips too many classes is as likely to have questions about having powers as for people to wonder about drugs. A fair number of superhumans keep their identities secret, mostly due to the paparazzi and for issues of privacy. Super-tech does exist, but is mostly insanely expensive to make, operate and run.

While the government keeps no official register of superhumans, the local police are generally going to react unfavourably to unknowns: visiting the police station to introduce yourself and what you can do is generally an asset. The police do have advanced tech of their own, but it is often inferior to what villains can devise and they have a lot of red tape to go through to use it.

Metahuman/Superhuman: any human who manifests abilities and skills beyond the ordinary. Not all become heroes or villains, after all.
Superhero: anyone who uses said ability for the good of others, by and large.
Supervillain: not a superhero. Often motivated by self-interest, and many are technically insane (though the courts refuse to accept 'supervillain' as a psychiatric condition to avoid a prison sentence).  
Vigilante: humans who get tech, armour and what have you and face down supervillains themselves. The police tend to dislike them and most don't survive all that long.
Mutant: a term for any superhuman (and alien) whose appearance doesn't fit with human norms. You can still be a hero or villain just fine, but will be received with a bit more suspicion in some corners of the world. The world has long since moved on from 'mutations are evil' and the like of the 70s but one can expect double-takes and wariness. That most mutants tend to the hero side of the spectrum helps.

MetaMax: the prisons designed to hold criminal superhumans. Built to withstand wars, said prisoners could dampen and destroy any metahuman power though the technology that made them is apparently both very, very expensive and stationary.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reaching Session #7 ...

So! Everyone has had at least a couple of sessions so far. PCs have even met each other, NPCs have done the same and the basic cast of the game slowly begun to sort itself out. Consider PCs like planets, and NPCs orbiting them to some extent, switching from planet to planet as needed or desired. Questions have been raised about Omegas, plans made, attempts to find other Omegas got underway and a healer begun to prepare for what she sees as a rather grim future.

The game is currently on Day #1 (stuff happened on Day 0 for some PCs) and you're all at roughly the same timeframe of late afternoon. Upcoming plot stuff:

Darin's band is playing at the Cactus Club tomorrow night at 7 pm.
A notice has gone out on craigslist about weird shit and proposing a meeting, as follows:
Subject: Weirdness seeking Same.
Is your life weirded up shit creek? Like woke up on the seriously wrong side of the bed with people screaming and running away? Worst bad hair day of your life? Can't figure out how you'll go home for Christmas? Is reality no longer your friend? Trust us, you're not alone. Contact me: we're arranging a get together tomorrow, noon. Meet and greet. No assumptions, no jerks. The world is weirder than most think: let's try and force some sense into it.
PCs and NPCs will come across it. The meeting is for the next day, a Saturday in game, noon, at a restaurant called Romeo's downtown. (It's normally closed for lunch, the NPC pulled some strings and lied about a private party.) Most NPCs will sent one person they know to stand in for all of them, out of both wariness and for the sake of the GMs sanity.

GM Note: I plan to run this giant Get Together Session this Saturday, so the rest of this week will be sessions covering the evening of Friday in game and stuff Sat. if players figure their PCs have things to do before the meet-up. If a player can't make it, an NPC will basically tell them what happened and let others know about them to some extent. Once everyone has chatted and plans have been made, plots will begin to shift gears and dice will roll and copbots will roll out to protect the city from harm. [This will likely begin on the Fri. night in game, so during the rest of this week's sessions. The game has been pretty dice-light so far, which will change.]

Also, I plan to make the band stuff both big and important in the game. Music can be a powerful tool and the PCs are all aware of this: how you use it, and to what end, will be a fun factor in the game.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Aurora Consurgens Sessions!

At present the game has three finished PCs.

Joana (played by Chaos) is an ex-window washer down on her luck and living in a homeless shelter.
Malik (played by Taass) is a blind university student at Municiberg University.
Darin (played by Kentari) is a daredevil college student who of late has found the world has become quite ... different, and seems to respond to him in ways it never did before.
And Mason (played by Caltak) is a student at the liberal arts Sutherland University coping with extra arms and a tail.

The plan is for everyone to get a solo session (test drive the PC, interact with NPCs etc.) during the rest of this week. Standard sessions will begin next week.

GM goal: At least one night a week will be set aside as Official Session Night. We'll work that out between all of us, but at present Sun. and Thurs. are booked as not viable. The plan for the Official Session Night is that all the PCs interact. Together!

Non-Official-Sessions will be ones done on other nights. Ideally with more than one player present, but interacting with each other won't be considered quasi-mandatory but would be a good idea anyway. The fewer directions the GM is pulled in, the more one gets out of a session.

Also, all the PCs are connected by ... the sound of music! Every PC is either in a band or knows how to play an instrument or was once in a band. Really. (The same holds true for several NPCs as well.) Expect this to become a big thing in game, via friendly(?) battles of the bands and he like.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Aurora Consurgens: Health, combat, experience!

Gm Note: This system can be considered a work in progress: overall starting Health may increase if we feel the need. Suggestions to alter/improve the following are welcome. The plan is to get a quick a and simple damage system that moves Risus away from the death spiral cliché vs. cliché kind of battle.

Every PC begins with 10 health. Add 1 for every combat/health dice one has in cliches and determine starting health. So a PC with with Swordfighter (3) and Tougher Tha Nails (4) would begin with 17. Armoured skin and the like will reduce damage rather than increase health.

Dice vs. Dice in appropriate Clichés, with defenders winning ties. (If the attack cannot be avoided, one rolls to try and get half-damage.)  The difference between successful attack and failed defence is the damage.

So God of Hellfire (4d6) vs. Run Like Hell (3d6) results in 20 vs 16. the defender takes 4 damage. 

If one is holding back, damage is halved. If it's a test match, assume you pin/grapple successfully once you do more overall damage than the other party has health for.

Note: Damage and health and the like can be altered depending on clichés, but starting clichés aren't at 'omg! this is awesome!' levels of power as is. A PC who picks Invulnerable is much harder to hurt but still could get hurt. Someone with 'death glare' can hurt others a LOT (say, damage is ruled as doubled) but won't necessarily flat-out kill. 

Inappropriate Cliché Bonus?: 
No, unless it would annoy Sparkie.

XP will be be given in 1d6 die bursts every X sessions. You get the option of increasing a cliché by 1d6 or starting a new cliché at 2d6 that one has taken time in-game to learn. 

PC cliches will be considered to max out at 5 dice (6 for something one is really, really good at). XP can be spent to increase dice or to increase the power of an ability beyond what it begins the game as.

IOW, an NPC with Fire (4) defined as 'create fireballs from thin air, lob at target' could advance to flight via fire, covering oneself in a shield of fire and so forth as options. You may also begin with flaws/limits on a cliche to buy off during the game if you desire. 

Keep in mind that it is obviously easier to alter one's power ability than one's mutation. 

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Aurora Consurgens II

           Being a proposed campaign reboot. 
           Much that was, won't be. Much that never was, will be. 
           New PCs welcome, (some) old PCs as well.


Kids these days. It's the common complaint of parents: the wrong shows, the wrong music, the disgusting things they do to try and one-up the antics of their own parents. Only now, that's nothing. The world is too big, too global, too much of everything. It's hard to hide, that some kids aren't kids. They're stronger, faster, dangerous. They're more than other kids, more than other people. Evolution on crack, as the leading theorist Ms. Elenora Thompson put it.

And if that were all, that would be enough. But there's other kids, too. Able to do things that defy reason, miracles that mock physics. Able to create fire, to turn things into other things, to change the way we see and understand the world. Why this is, no one knows. It was hidden. Though how any government did that, and for how long, is unknown. But too many escaped handling, escaped conditioning, flew under the radar [some literally] and slowly but surely a new kind of being has been discovered. Something old? New? Government tricks? Aliens? No one knows. Or if they do, they're not talking.

Two new species of humanity exist now. They get called different things, are capable of stuff no humans are, but as a brief rundown.

   Homo Alpha: People who are better than human. Stronger, faster, quicker. They heal quickly, are smarter than most, shrug off drugs etc. They're widely believed to be a human answer to Omegas, essentially, and what humanity may some day become. Despite the title, there is a lot of variance among them: some are geniuses at one thing, others awesome at a few things and so forth.

[In other words, you can get Reed Richards (intelligence wise) and Captan America, ability wise, falling under the same penumbra. Since people are capable of pretty impressive things, it's often hard to prove someone is one without drugging them – and some have died of such things, so it is not an ideal test.]

   Homo omega: The x-men style people. One, at the most two, related abilities that are, frankly, beyond the scope of modern science and understanding. A guy with strength CAN lift up an entire car, when his attempt should just rip off the bumper and so forth. Currently theory holds that there's some physics distortion field involved, but that's mostly scientists making up terms. The fact is that these people can do impossible things as easily as breathing and few of them look human at all.

Basically, mutants in the sense of being weird and different: red skin for fire-users, etc. It's generally held that the most visible and physical the 'tell', the stronger one is, but that's not strictly true since not some only have tells function when using abilities, but the general public is ignorant of this.

(Meta note: Telepaths don't exist, to the common knowledge of even alphas and omegas. Some abilities are so dangerous it's considered best no one knows about 'em.)

Things to keep in mind: telepathy won't be allowed for PCs. Neither will time travel. The reasons for both should be obvious.

                  Homo Omega Notes
Over the past 3 to 5 years, the existence of Omegas has become more obvious to the world at large: each year more humans were changing and it became harder for governments and families to hide them or dispose of them, especially with people having ready access to camera-phones. Photoshop explained some, but didn't come close to explaining all and in the last few weeks more have began to become visible, demanding rights, mentioning injustices and throwing legal and ethical systems into disarray.

No one knows how Omegas come to me: most evidence suggests puberty and/or stress as factors. A few people have become Omegas in their 80s, a great deal in their 20s and there is much anecdotal evidence suggesting that certain drugs can trigger the change, to say nothing of some Omegas being able to change others. It is all very complicated and religious people have thrown about angels, gods, devils and nephilim as if they were on a giant sale, while scientists have invoked dark matter and quantum in much the same way. Crystals, orgone energy, vril and aliens have also been tossed about, but only the latter has any degree of credibility. Exactly why aliens would want to cause random mutations has been dismissed as 'aliens' or 'because they are evil' by proponents of those arguments.

In game terms: It is going to be assumed your PC has only been an Omega for a short period of time, though exceptions are always possible if it fits a character idea and so forth.  

Dice: 13-15. 4 die max for starting cliches, 2 die cliche minimum. If you use less than the 15 dice, you basically get 'free' experience awarded quickly during game play. 
PCs should have at least one hobby/future profession cliche that won't lend itself to being Useful. For Omegas, you have one power and one mutation as cliches. (How obvious the 'tell' is that the mutation == not human is up to each player.)

Experience will be awarded, allowing for increasing power and control over it as the game progresses. As Omega have ability X and don't change, plan ability(s) your PC can grow into as the game goes on. Keep in mind that you can learn new cliches, so starting a PC without is both valid and entirely acceptable, or say getting better at those skills, learning new ones and so forth.

PC cliches will be considered to max out at 5 dice (6 for something one is really, really good at). XP can be spent to increase dice or to increase the power of an ability beyond what it begins the game as. 

Homo Omega: Likely the PC, naturally. One-two abilities. If more than one, the other is physical and based on mutation of the body in some way. In other words, one could have Fire (and burning eyes when using it) or Fire and flight with red skin/giant flaming wings, as an example, though the two don't have to be connected. In general, the more obvious the mutation, the more powerful the Omega's ability is -- or could become.  

                     (For really impressive abilities, assume that the 
                     physical change doesn't grant specific abilities all its 
                     own: this will be determined on a case by case basis.)

Note: Omegas spend their lives human until either some Huge Stress, puberty or being around a lot of Omegas fighting triggers abilities/powers/changes. Unlike alphas, who are born as they are, omegas do get to lead a normal life to a point.
Note (2): Whatever ability(s) the PC has should ideally be scalable. Game begins with PC new to the power/ability and with player providing ideas for scaling it up. So you begin with control/understanding of power at basic level, RP it up a notch as the game goes, and then have further milestones achieved via experience dice. Having one power ability and one mutation-style one allows for growth in both, naturally.

Homo Alpha: Post-olympic level ability (X), And (Y). Sometimes Z, or a more general 'all-olympic level'. Basically, you could get ninjas, batman, the punisher and the like out of this. They look like normal people, but aren't. Downside is their senses are better than human, so intense aural or visual stimuli can throw them for a loop. (This is not well known, naturally.) Also, at least a third suffer some degree of sociopathic or autistic tendencies but most of that is blamed on upbringing. 


The game is set in the modern world. On one hand, you have 'humans' who look like everyone else but are Better and on the other weird mutants who are Unclean and so forth and can probably kill other people with a thought, if sufficiently annoyed. The law hasn't begun to come to grips with this, and drug are already being marketed that can boost Omegas (and Alphas) to new heights – or depths. To say nothing of fast-tracking vastly illegal government experiments on humans (a la iron man) to give humanity a 'fighting chance'.

The world is basically a powder keg, and into that steps the PCs. What you all do with it and how the city of Municiburg is shaped is entirely up to your choices.

I shall assume the PCs are roughly college-aged, since I don't have much desire for a high school RPG game. You could have a job, be in school, self-employed or whatever you desire.

Destiny: What does one DO with such power, especially when one begins to get inklings of the upper limits? You are, after all, a walking WMD, and the consequences of that can be pretty dangerous at the best of times, to say nothing of when being framed and so forth. As per the 'ism', it takes a lot of strength to be hated and not internalize some of that hate, eg: becoming a monster since people figure you are one and so forth.

Shaping the world: Should the Omegas ignore the humans, let them make their own path, catch them if they fall or raise them up? A lot of this gets deep into nanny state level ideas: what if people no longer put parachutes in planes because the odds an Omega would show to stop the plane from falling being ~70%? etc. As the PC and NPCs gain in power, this becomes more and more important: you can have a huge impact on the world, become Celebrity famous, be the latest Hitler to scar the pages of history. It's pretty heady, and should prove fun to explore. 

Ism: Speciesm for and against Omegas is going to be common. Where PCs stand on that will be up to them. This will be a factor that fluctuates during the game due to PC and NPC actions. 

Conspiracies: For the sake of my sanity, there will be far, far less of these. That is all.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

We did not flee fast enough

For Unstrung Heroes, session 14. The Pulp-o-mizer is far, far too much fun.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Game To Date

The Sparkie Session Summaries

Session 01: A few dice rolled. [Censored comments about SilverHorse here.]
Session 02: Boooorrrring.
Session 03: Some dice. No one really hurt :(
Session 04: Downtime. No-Dice Time, more likely. 
Session 05: Dice! NPCs die! PCs get hurt! It's about TIME. 
Session 06: Looks to be boring again :(
Session 07: Also boring. So few dice, and they all screwed up NPCs. I am starting to wonder if I need therapy.
Session 08: Dice in a simulation? It would be something? Maybe Jansen can kill everyone? No. It was boring. Tag should involve death rays.
Session 10: Whatever.
Session 11: So I killed an NPC. And a PC brought the back from the dead. This game would be so much more fun for me without PCs.
Session 12: Y won't PCs die? I try! I try so hard! THIS IS WHY I DRINK!!!

Friday, March 08, 2013


So, yes: Currently Ken is in the stages of working out/plotting a game, herding players together like cats to get a) characters and b) session times. #game1 has never really done a magical academy game before so it should be fun to see where everyone goes with this and how BESM stacks up a system for this game given that we plan to use all the nitty-gritty rules.

The other active game is Unstrung Heroes, which has existed in one form or another since 2003.

"[The premise] is, basically, what happens if sometime in the future mankind gets really creative with genetic experiments and makes them to fight in a war. Which ends before they can be used, so they get thrown into 'storage' and come out centuries later to a galaxy that, arguably, is terrified OF them (they were made to destroy worlds, after all) and claims not to need them." 

UH is a two-player game and will likely remain that, though cameos by the PCs of other players in the game will happen. While the GM has no plans to add other players to the game, I am more than willing to do PC-NPCs. I.e.: Here is world X, you can play a character on it who interacts with the PCs. If anyone is interested in trying this, drop me a line.