Sunday, June 02, 2013

OH Timeline

As things stand now. The Protectorate was the team in Darwin City, having a rotating group of ~10 members with a large group of ex-members as a Reserve and most every other hero in the city affiliated as an Ally. Based out of Darwin Tower in the middle of the city, they protected it and offered free training for other heroes in their warehouse down by the docks.

Six months ago, via police contacts, the warehouse base and the like, the PCs  met in one form or another.

Two weeks ago, the Vanishing happened.

Now: people are starting to think it might be permanent, and you seem to be the only heroes around with a) history together (however tenuous) and b) the willingness to step up into huge shoes and do what you can to protect the city.

Owlgirl has the current passcode (and keys) into the warehouse, and some other PCs may have the passcodes as well. Darwin Tower is locked up tight, but the warehouse gives you a base of operations to act from and has showers, a living area, and even spartan bedrooms (a half-dozen) that can be slept in, along with a work-out room, training mats, and computers. Who is paying for it all to keep running is, at present, unknown.

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