Saturday, May 20, 2017

Zengul Proper

(Map source: here.)

1. Rickshaw District
2. The Market
The Docks: The main docks. Shipping, trade etc.
3. Farmlands within the city
4. Sable Emperor’s Palace
5. Walled Nobility
6. The Menangerie
7. Siphon District. Merchants.
8. The Shambles. Famously unsafe.
9. Ni-Sal District. Famously split into two warring factions a decade ago.
10. The Tower. Possibly a wizards; entrance unknown.
11. Amber District. Glass.
12. Clover District. Many inns.
13. Ostiel District
14. North Dock District. Merchants, well off.

Res. Purely residential areas.

A Elven Wood
B Elven Wood
C Elven Wood

And for reference, the Calendar.

Spring Planting Mar, Apr, May
Summer Ripening July, July Aug
Autum Harvest Sept, Oct, Nov
Winter Dormant Dec, Jan, Feb

Each ‘season’ has 3 months (aka moons).

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