Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Ah, superhumans....

Yep. Ye Olde Topic. I got to thinking today while wandering downtown about things that bug me, things I wished were different. For example: superheroes are a bad thing. Most super games make them intrinsically part of the setting - the whole capes, flying people all accepted by the public as normal, and the underwear on the outside of pants issue. The heroes call themselves heroes; the villains do the same (the latter has always baffled me).
So a more serious take would be needed. No tights, no fancy capes (unless you like choking to death in revolving doors), no awed crowds. Just people being people. Hubris tried that, but when the team/hero route too fast, and then kind of imploded in a nicely comics fashion. Aftermath was for a more superhero take on the same setting, and was fun.
What seperates superheroes from other genres and people with powers is the superman idea. The kind of hero who does the good thing because it's the right thing to do. They're needed in a world that needs heroes, that needs people to do what must be done. I think it's necessary, if only to avoid munchkins.
So, a game idea... I was thinking of a world where everyone has/gains superpowers (the notes for it are somewhere on my computer, including pc creation). Instead, do people from another world sent en masse to earth, and try to survive....

I think it could be fun to try, at least. Superhumans, yes. But not heroes, or villains. Just aliens, trying to survive ina foreign world and given the choice of hero or monster....

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Paranoia April 26th

what the topic says :)

I hope to run a quick 2-4 hour session starting at 10pm EST (Can start eariler if people want). If you'd like to play, yet me know.
If you know nothing about paranoia, see this page for information. We'll be using 2nd edition rules. Sparkie can make apc if you type !paranoia and a sheet can be found here. If you need help making a PC, talk to Alcar.

Remember: Failure to join this game is treason!

Monday, April 19, 2004

D&D (3e) game May 2nd

Yes, Alcar shall run a D&D session. The Squirrel Game. It's nicely infamous. Ask Sintaqx if you want details. It was the first game I ran online, on may 1st 1999. So in honour of Game1 turning 6, I shall run it again.
hmmm... I wonder if the squirrels know that The first step in making friends is* not to eat people* .

PCs must be level 1, standard races and classes unless the player asks for something else nicely.
Plot wise, you're all on your way to meet a caravan at a village through the woods. Nice and simple.
Quote: * Alaya wonders if a carniverous flying squirrel would make a good familiar

Game: The Squirrel Game
Time: Sunday May 1st, 10pm EST
PC level: 1 (D&D 3e. None of that 3.5 crap)
DM: Alcar
Dicebot: Sparkie
Players: The more the merrier.

Sunday, April 18, 2004


Hrm, last post died. Okay, then..... pre sessions so didn't work out for later this week. RL sucks. That aside, I *may* be willing to do one or two prior to the game Monday (1-2 hrs long). The game begins at 10pm EST on Monday. If you want a rules overview, how and when to roll dice, how madness works etc. show up an hour early.

Players include: Baliadoc (I think?), Caltak, FirestormZero, Gemm, JacobRiis & WarezBert. No other players will be added. If some of this list cannnot make it, I may be willing to add another player or two in. (Ideally, I'd like 4-5 players showing up each session.)

Remember: It's not the things we don't know that we should fear, but the things we know. The known threat is far more dangerous than the unknown one.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Pre-Session Times

For those who have NOT had pre-sessions for UA, book times.

I can do 1 to 6 pm EST Friday if all goes well, and the same Saturday. I should be able to do all day Sunday unless RL stuff comes up. Monday, of course, will be the first session.

It's going to involve a party at Dawsons house on the 29th of April (Game time), a friday night. All PCs should be there, for some reason or another. (It's got a really good library for the shy and sociallly challlenged PCs (and NPCs)), a pool, free food and drinks and a first-time opening of the Estate to outsiders.

Friday, April 09, 2004

UA Presessions

As UA shall begin April 19th, pre-sessions before then are possible. Book a date and time with the GM (That'd be me :p) and we'll work for sometHing out. Shall only do 1 player at a time, for maximum results from said session.
If you have an idea for a specific event or meeting with an NPC or something you'd like it to cover, feel free to suggest it.

Thursday, April 08, 2004


has her own sheet! Isn't that neat! Oh, look, Mac! I made a rhyme! If I did it all the time could we have sex?!

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Note For UA Players

Faces in the Dark is going to be an Unknown Armies campaign, which you already know. (Or at least I most sincerely hope you do and haven't been trying to figure out if Body 50 is figured out by adding your Str and Con together, but I digress.) As such, it's a horror game. It's a world where all your certainties and acceptied ideas of how the world works are, at best, lies. Religion, science, new age, old age: it doesn't matter.

As a horror game, it's about what happens when you realize "this is my fault. I ended up here because of what I did.". It's also going to contain dark themes, often adult ones. If you nwant to bow out after a few sessions, do so. Far better than playing a game you feel uncomfortable playing.
This isn't to say there won't be humour (I doubt I could run a game without humour), just that the moments of laughter will most likely be relief and release from the wider world the PCs slolwly begin to learn about, the one tha invariably drives people more than a little mad.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that we're here to tell a story. Dice will be used for effect, or whe the outcome of a situation is in doubt, but rarely besides then. The story is also a group effort, and about the group. Which means that the PCs shall work together. How? Why? It's up to you to figure out how your PC gets into plots, or subplots, or what have you.

And above all else, we're here to have fun. With luck, the town shall even survive it :)

Monday, April 05, 2004

UA Ready....

well, at least I think so. Got umpteen NPCs done, at least.

Will be altering the map a bit, labelling police, fire etc. on it. And adding PC homes, if players want.

Just need to write some canned text for places and a few more plots down on paper...

So those that need to finish or make PCs (you know what - err, who - you are, try and get them in next week)

Sunday, April 04, 2004

New LOLAD Story

Wrote a new one. Well, more accurately, finished the 1st one I began. It involves rabbits, central park, vampires, and humans. More or less.

Let me know if you'd like to be emailed a copy.