Monday, April 19, 2004

D&D (3e) game May 2nd

Yes, Alcar shall run a D&D session. The Squirrel Game. It's nicely infamous. Ask Sintaqx if you want details. It was the first game I ran online, on may 1st 1999. So in honour of Game1 turning 6, I shall run it again.
hmmm... I wonder if the squirrels know that The first step in making friends is* not to eat people* .

PCs must be level 1, standard races and classes unless the player asks for something else nicely.
Plot wise, you're all on your way to meet a caravan at a village through the woods. Nice and simple.
Quote: * Alaya wonders if a carniverous flying squirrel would make a good familiar

Game: The Squirrel Game
Time: Sunday May 1st, 10pm EST
PC level: 1 (D&D 3e. None of that 3.5 crap)
DM: Alcar
Dicebot: Sparkie
Players: The more the merrier.

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