Low Life will begin in December (or later November, depending) and end ~April, since the game is designed to answer the question of: "So, what DO you do with these gifts?" and, once players have decided and begun down their paths, to end.
After that? Well, I'd like to run UA again. Partially for a break from BESM, mostly because it's Unknown Armies. I don't have a plot in my head as yet, but the basic idea is to allow, well, any idea. It's modern earth, it's unknown armies. The system is flexible, the Gm is uber-flexible, and we want high weirdness. Ignore the "magical/adept" stuff, and focus on the Really Weird, maybe with some magical trick...
A nun with reverse stigmata.
A cyborg.
Princess Diana.
A mafia hit man on the run for killing his boss.
A computer programmer who hacked the wrong files.
A child convinced they're from another world.
A woman who is convinced she is the mother of Buddha.
Conjoined twins whose other half exists in an otherspace and change positions every day.
A tourist who is really, really confused.
The star of an old silent movie somehow brought to life.
etc. Go for somethng off the wall. Go for weird. Strange. Bizarre! Throws ideas about! I shall make a forum. It shall be built. Ideas shall come!