This is some rough notes on how magic and magical things work.
All magic is sourced from somewhere. Since no one really knows where, and it seems to vary from school to school and magician to magician, general theory holds that magic is what holds the world together. Manipulate it, and you can change the world. Change the wold, change yourself.
This, of course, costs energy. Different kinds of magic cost more EP.
Healers: Healers don't pay EP for healing. It works up to its stated limited. Given that this is a subset of being an Oracle, it's widely believed the power comes from the gods, with the person merely a channel for it. The price for this (since magic gives nothing that is not paid for) is the varied mental and physical defects they have.
Magicians: A magician is the most common worker of magic. Generally, the ability to see and manipulate the universe lies in seeing under it, and manipulating forces barely understood. While tomes, rods etc. have been used, they're mostly focus tools and do little to lessen the EP cost of magic, which is basically the will and desire of the magician bending reality to their will.
Potential magicians are born with the ability to see magic (i.e. Sixth Sense); if they don't train early, it won't manifest at all for the most part since whatever window of opportunity there is to become a magician tends to be quite narrow. A magician normally follows the path of their teacher (the Dreamers of Flaath-innis can make dreams real etc.) This doesn't mean that everyone who can sense magic could become a magician, just that it is a requirement.
Since magicians are basically Power Flux (magic) they have to work their magic out, which takes time to decide on effect/cost etc. The chief limits to magicians are time and EP. EP cost = level of effect.
Dynamic Powers: Sourced entirely from the user, they use up craploads of EP (Basically, cost/level = EP used. So Minor (15) would be 15 for a level 1 effect, 30 for a 2 and so on.) Dynamic powers are basically a specific bailiwick interpreted broadly, often moreso than the user realizes. It also comes with no kind of instruction manual.
Chosen of Ve: Basically, elemental powers. Ep cost is low, effect range is limited to 100 yards at best for the most part. Generally, getting anything powerful out of it (say, storms, earthquakes etc.) depends on group effort. It's cheap in EP, but also fairly limited in effects.
Wizards: Wizards are magicians who have lived a long, long time. Centuries, in many cases. They've honed EP useage to a fine art and can create magical creatures and weapons, though the latter tend to be very rare as the energy put into them is a permanent loss.
If your pc has a weapon that is not normal, you need to work out how they got it, from whom etc.