what has come up thus far with regards to Kadmon:
As Kadmon proper:
When engaged or not, Kadmon is invisible to almost all video, audio and other forms of scanning. This ability cannot be turned off but does make it much harder for VC to find him.
* Kadmon's non-engaged persona was intended to spy, so he's very good at reading body language of humans and figuring out if they are lying to him or not.
* Is stronger and faster than humans, though it takes more energy to access functions when not engaged.
* 'skin' can't get dirty or harmed; Kadmon obviously has no blood, so being stabbed and the like would give up the disguise.
* Weighs 152 lb, can alter that to +/- 50 pounds.
* Can heal damage via electricity, over time.
* Senses are more than human in this form as well; has photographic memory and can record and play back events on other media if needed.
* Lastly, Kadmon can lie extremely well, even going so far as hiding the extent that certain things (like removal of a 'rib)actually cost from his host.
Engagement: Nik is able to do this by touch, regardless if Kadmon wants to or not. It's also been possible when the prototype is stuck on a rebooting cycle via thought rather than contact.
Abilities once engaged:
* Enhancement of Nik's regular senses.
* Access to radio waves, infravision, some degree of x-ray vision and so forth: basically a rather wide sensory array filtered through Kadmon and accessed as needed. Kadmon has noticed that his sensors do not extend to low-earth orbit.
* Increased speed, strength, and so forth. A physical high in some respects. Actual limits unknown thus far.
* Armour, the limits of which are untested. Kadmon is able to protect the host from feeling the effects of damage to an extent but Dr. Ledwin did die from being hit by a car during escape from VC.
* Increased speed, enough to seem to be a blur to even people in vehicles. Can be faster for short periods, but the limitations of the host (such as breathing) come into play.
* The armour is able to change appearance and become visible or not at Nik's discretion.
* Electrical absorption, which ca shut down technologies around Kadmon.
* Seeing electricity in power lines, people's brains, etc.
* Ability to zap people with electricity, including directed neural storms to the brain to cause strokes.
* Kadmon also seems able to absorb tin (and possibly other things) after running electricity through them.
Due to Nik's modifications, Kadmon can pick up wifi, access the 'net and hack. He's also been able, with great effort, to split off a part of himself and resist direct orders.
Potential: The ability to split parts of himself off means it should be possible to create duplicates, or at least a host for Pandora. Since Kadmon was intended to be able ot think and adapt, the end-limits of what he is capable of under Nik's guidance remain unknown.
Personality: Created to be a weapon used by a host, Kadmon defaults to doing what the host asks, though he has learned to ask 'why', a fact that horrifies Pandora. All things being equal, he would rather someone say, 'go do this' than go do something himself, which probably makes Pandora a back-up host as well in some situations. In Kadmon's case, this doesn't seem to be a desire to avoid responsibility as much as simply being how he was made, a fact he has defended when pressed by Nik.
Kadmon also views his memories/data as 'himself' and the loss of those to be a loss of self, something he abhors given the effort he has gone to acquire a sense of self. He has successfully refused direct orders to erase memories but later recanted and, presumably if pushed on the issue further, would have given in at the end.
Sexuality: Having been created as half a mated pair, Kadmon is not asexual when it comes to his own kind. Of which only he exists. Humans, on the other hand, so not seem to elicit any response at all.
Pandora: Originally intended to be a mate to Kadmon, she was shelved and turned into a AI to take over if Kadmon was damaged and was intended to be removed prior to the project being finished. She is a quantum computer and has limited use within Kadmon but has fun being an AI on the internet despite the existence of other ones.
Pandora is more mature than Kadmon, in many ways, and does seem able to treat certain orders as guidelines but lacks his ability to flat-out change and grow and has been shown to want to repair Kadmon, considering him to be damaged in his present state. On the plus side, she does have more of a sense of humour than Kadmon does.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
Fairview: the August Update
As of last night's ~7 hour session, the game has hit 58 official sessions (76 including the side-ones and so forth) and been going over six months. Given players dropping out and vanishing and other players switching characters, this is rather impressive. It's also survived a 3 week hiatus with Gm and then a player being sick, school, people moving ... so something is going right.
Currently, plot wise, the Grey Man's storm has been destroyed, the consequences of which have yet to be felt and the White Lord, one of the major magicians in the city, has been sealed in his place of power by the PCs and is unable to escape. Various NPCs have announced themselves in favour of Joni's plan to make the supernatural community in the city have a sort of oversight organization to keep things in line but thus far none of them have real power to help enforced that.
Character-wise, Alex is working on her plan to get free of the Shadow King, and Emma and Trevor are trying to figure out why it makes any sense that magicians don't make the world a Better Place(tm) and Joni's own plans are proceeding quite nicely. NPC-wise, El Nino/Scry and Eugene Stoffel are sort of getting along, Helena has yet to kill Ike out of sheer frustration, Cristal and Peter (the real ones) are actually beginning to get along, Pierce Chevalier is planning to betray the Grey Man and the Grey Man is finding everything so very amusing.
In terms of dangling plot threads, there is the question of what the other major players (magician-wise) in the city will do following the death of one of their number: the PC s will, unquestionably, have made an impression so what follows from this should prove interesting.
30 XP was given out after this session, making it 60 in total thus far. Investing in health/regen is probably a good idea at this point ... unlike the White Lord, the other magicians are not going to underestimate the PCs. Well, probably not too much. With great power comes great arrogance :)
Side-note: there are a lot of NPCs now running about that the PCs have met: most are off doing their own things, connecting with the PCs as and when PCs seek them out or they need help. That being said, if players -- or their characters -- want to make use of certain NPCS (Please, don't pick Cristal, don't pick Cristal) or have them play a bigger role in their plans, let me knows.
Currently, plot wise, the Grey Man's storm has been destroyed, the consequences of which have yet to be felt and the White Lord, one of the major magicians in the city, has been sealed in his place of power by the PCs and is unable to escape. Various NPCs have announced themselves in favour of Joni's plan to make the supernatural community in the city have a sort of oversight organization to keep things in line but thus far none of them have real power to help enforced that.
Character-wise, Alex is working on her plan to get free of the Shadow King, and Emma and Trevor are trying to figure out why it makes any sense that magicians don't make the world a Better Place(tm) and Joni's own plans are proceeding quite nicely. NPC-wise, El Nino/Scry and Eugene Stoffel are sort of getting along, Helena has yet to kill Ike out of sheer frustration, Cristal and Peter (the real ones) are actually beginning to get along, Pierce Chevalier is planning to betray the Grey Man and the Grey Man is finding everything so very amusing.
In terms of dangling plot threads, there is the question of what the other major players (magician-wise) in the city will do following the death of one of their number: the PC s will, unquestionably, have made an impression so what follows from this should prove interesting.
30 XP was given out after this session, making it 60 in total thus far. Investing in health/regen is probably a good idea at this point ... unlike the White Lord, the other magicians are not going to underestimate the PCs. Well, probably not too much. With great power comes great arrogance :)
Side-note: there are a lot of NPCs now running about that the PCs have met: most are off doing their own things, connecting with the PCs as and when PCs seek them out or they need help. That being said, if players -- or their characters -- want to make use of certain NPCS (Please, don't pick Cristal, don't pick Cristal) or have them play a bigger role in their plans, let me knows.
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