Monday, August 21, 2006


I think there is a problem.
The plot, she is winding down.
But I find I don't care.
No desire to finish, or begin,
Or complete. No burn out, this,
But a kind of boredom -- surprising
But still true for all of that.

Thoughts on this are welcomed.
I find it amusing, darkly, &
LOLAD1 ended much the same way
Fading away and - poof! - gone.
Some things do not wish to fade.
But even so. Even so. And even moreso.

It seems to be dying slowly,
Inside and out, a slow decay.
Reasons? Post them. Solutions?
Them to. And having written, I go.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:49 pm

    Nuremburg was on T.V.
    The sentence was handed down.
    But Victor didn’t care.
    No desire to watch it all congeal,
    And finish. No apathy,
    But a kind of boredom – surprising
    But still, ‘twas a denouement.

    Isla felt discontent,
    She found it amusing, but sad, and
    Yet again Victor was the winner,
    Not the martyr, Again not
    A hero giving it all.
    The end was never something he wanted to see.

    And Victor Laszlo sighed softly,
    Happily Ever After? No,
    He knew why he was living,
    It was the fight, not really the cause.

    - Ken
