Friday, June 06, 2008

random thoughts on D&D fourth edition

This is just as I go through it...

- Eladrin? Why DO we need 2 races of elves?
- Clerics can follow philosophies... Nietzsche anyone?
- "astral sea"? Really?
- Warlocks rock; they finally gave the sorcerer balls.

Overall, I'm liking the classes a lot. (I still don't see the point to keeping the ranger; and throwing the monk etc. into another book is irksome, money wise.)But on the whole they seem quite nice, with multiple options for a character ensuring, I hope, that things don't get too stale if you have two of the same class in one group.

- Warlords at first level would be damn odd; "Yes, I AM a natural leader. I was king of the hill SIX times and captured the flag for Pelor!"
- The epic levels look like crazy, awesome fun. And finally SOUND epic.

More later.


- Why does it take so long to find out what 2[w] and such are? Glossaries are GOOD to have in the front as references.
- Rituals seem both interesting and fun.
- Also: lots more HP. Which is probably a very good thing.
- Alignment is better; they added 'if you choose one' for one thing.
- However, the gods are not. Most campaigns - the vast majority, I imagine - will either be a) homebrew or b) a different setting. Which means inserting things like Feywild and such are a pain in the arse, to say nothing of wasting space detailing the gods (and only the good ones at that).
- Races: why ARE humans the only one whose flavour text emphasized both the good and evil?

Final thought:

I will NOT be using stupid maps. I don't care if WOTC tries to ram the goddamned things down our throats (like, say, now). When - make this if, at this rate - I run 4e, there will be no maps and gametables and virtual tabletop crap. We never needed it before, and I am not planning to use it now.

Oh, and this should explain enough:
<gemm> this has been what, an hour, hour and a half of trying to find something that works?
<alcar> 'xactly :PO
* alcar can flat out guarentee I won't be using such things when I run 4e
<Chaos`^> fuck it... we'll do it live =p
<gemm> now you can't get a program to work, huh? :P
<Chaos`^> oh
<Chaos`^> i'll get it to work
<Chaos`^> it's just that my windows on this computer is broken
<Chaos`^> so...
<Chaos`^> i'm going to use another computer
<Chaos`^> brb
<gemm> ...
<gemm> I just want to start...
<kentari> wow. :P


  1. Um, we already had more than two races of elves before this, remember.

  2. Yes, but not as starting races. Ah well. D&D has always pimped elves, so why should this edition be different?

  3. Also, charts would be nice. Even as an appendix. Finding a spell/effect now is hella difficult unless you know from the get go what you're looking for, and what class they put it under.... which could be a very annoying problem.

  4. I'm personally happy with eladrin and elves, they couldnt really but both the magic aspect and the nature aspect in one race without either gimping both or overpowering the race.

    Also, I don't see why the grid is a problem now that we already *have* found something that works (gametable) and personally, I would be strongly opposed to NOT using it, since so many abilities deal with repositioning enemies or allies or using abilities that work best only when things are postioned a certain way.
