Friday, July 10, 2009

Okay ... Game Stuff

Right. E-speaking might work (so far, odds are stacked against it) . but left-handed typing is viable. Slower, but still viable. So, with that in mind, some ground rules of sorts for at least the start of this experiment:

* The GM is unlikely to type out 440+ bits of text; they'll likely get broken up better. Ditto for "text" *action bits* "text", which will probably become 3 lines so people don't end up waiting impatiently. (I may reformat it for Spark's quotes, may not.)
* Spark is liable to be quieter, at least via Alcar usin the msg'd !say #game1 and !me etc. See? This isn't all bad.

Player wise, for games I'll run:
* PCs wandering off alone will slow things up even more. This is pretty much a given.
* If you aren't playing during a game, don't msg the gm.
* If you are playing, try and do it only when necessary; don't expect a quick reply.

If it would make for a good quote, the above is null and void :)

This is pretty much going to be an experiment: try a few sessions, see how it goes. If it ends up too slow, some -- or all -- of the games may be cut until the gm heals.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Games on hold

Catch-all post for this:

Alcar got defenstrated Sat. June 27th. Operation, unfun stuff, and this weekend (July 4th-5th) going to get right arm operatged on -- to attach tendon -- and splinted for six weeks.

As such, all games are on hold that he is running until further notice.

The very minor plus column involves catching up on dvds and such yet to be watched. The other side is lack of writing and/or games will not be fun