Sunday, February 15, 2015

Numenera Campaign 2

Yonder GM is waiting on the world guide before running the second campaign. Plans thus far:

Travel! The first campaign was a test-run of the system for everyone, hence being based in one area with everything radiating out from that. This campaign will be more a case of travelling along various roads, pathways and exploring parts of the Beyond and even further. Players shall be poked beforehand about what they want in terms of awesome things to find/character growth/skills/learning and the campaign that develops will weave itself around that. Some characters from the first campaign may return, possibly not.


Some players are playing characters from the last game, others new ones. This campaign is going to allow the foci and descriptors from the main rule book along with the character options book. (Players playing characters they already made who want to rejig them and the like are welcome to chat with me on that; have no problem with it.)

So far the concept is to make the characters all one family (adopted or otherwise). As the ninth world doesn't conform to modern earth players are free to ignore the structures -- for power and otherwise -- in our understanding of families and go nuts making up some other structure, formal or otherwise. Figure out something neat everyone can agree on -- which, ideally, doesn't involve the PCs being slaves to the hive mind of a dicebot patriarch. Because there are limits.

Fallout from the first campaign:

The village of Milvane has become a power unto itself in Thaemor , using technology from long-dead civilizations and alliances with nearby communities to hold off both the kings armies and perhaps fracture the entire kingdom. In less than a year the town went from a nothing town in a minor kingdom to a force to be reckoned with, said to have access to armies all its own and an army of machine-men and mutants at its disposal.

No one agrees on what happened or even why, just that the town showed people how much could be gained if they were willing to take the risks necessary for growth. Since there at least a dozen small towns in the Steadfast have ceased to exist, become craters, or far worse with the Aeon Priests scrambling to put out fires.

It does mean that the Steadfast is a little less safe to travel in and is shaking up some aldeia even in the Beyond as places try and replicate the success of Milvane. Luckily, most people attribute all of that to Zia -- whose PR has been very, very good -- and almost no one is aware of the hired help who did more than the villagers themselves to bring about those changes.

Rules Changes:

PCs will get to pick the cyphers they begin the game with.  I am going to assume that they have done trades, made plans etc. before the first session so their initial complement of one-shot tricks is at least decent. You'll be able to find traders selling some in aldeia, various oddities and cyphers as you explore places and we'll explore the PCs making the cyphers from found things a lot more than the last campaign did. Ideally.

If there are critters in the book you want to show, or certain weird shit you'd like to see happen, poke me about it. The plan is for a longer campaign with plots growing at a slow build over time.


Given schedules, hoping for at least twice a week.

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