Monday, March 07, 2016

Low Life: Introduction.

It is Wednesday morning in Clearview Estates. It isn’t like last Wednesday. Honestly, it’s not even like last week in all the ways that matter. Oh, it’s the same crap living conditions, the same troubles with the authorities, but there is something new. A frisson in the air. Stories that are half-doubted, but there are many of them, growing every day. People who are doing things that people can’t do. Fire in fingertips. Flight. A girl who walks through shadows as though they were doors. People who can touch walls and break them with no effort at all. Some stories are about saints and devils, but most are just about weirdness. About people being able to somehow make the impossible real.

And you are one of those stories. Perhaps it started early Monday morning, when everything began. Some people claim there was a light show or meteor shower, but no one is sure if that was true. What’s now is the stories began, and they’ve been building. Everyone knows one, or knows someone who knows some story they half-believe is true. The Estate is changing, but no one knows into what. No one knows why, or even how. Did the government experiment on people? Were there aliens involved? No one knows.

There seem to be no answers save for those found within. Gifts. Talents. Abilities beyond the ordinary. Some are welcomed, some shunned, some baffling or useless. But they mean the world has changed, in ways large and small, and no one can be sure where it is leading.

Only there have been more police cars around during the day – and even at night – than usual. As though the authorities are aware the zeitgeist has changed, but have no idea what to make of it yet.

It is a warm spring day, and the world feels as though it is holding its breath, but that could be your imagination and nothing more ....

GM Note: The first use of power(s) is often tied to emotion. Maybe trying to get someone to be quiet, shut off an alarm, deal with having forgot your keys: something triggers you, and power(s) manifest. You’ve no idea if you have more, or really how to test them, or how many people like this exist.

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