Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Nothing happened.
The end of the world, and no one came.
That is the sum of my report, sir.
I never saw the eyes.
The town of Millhaven is small and it's bleak and it's cold. But there is nothing special there, nothing of note.
A child of Norn, the raven-girl, the one without an angel. Why can't I speak?
The demon didn't manage to become a god. We don't know why he failed.
The FBI sent someone, with guns. I'm trying to tell you.
It seems to me that it was all a lie. There were no faces in the dark.
Sometimes it does turn out to be nothing. A blip in the cosmic radar, even if the First Man's sister was there. We never did have proof of it, or that she exists.
What did he do to my head? Why can't I say anything?
"I am the man for whom no god waits". Sir? Oh. Something that came to me. I don't know why. I do feel funny.
Try and read between the lines! Try.
I gues that means it's over, sir.
I saw the boy with the hole in his head. All God's children they all gotta diiiie!
The report is on your desk. No one to recruit, no one to deal with. The sleepers must have cleaned up the mess. Thank you, sir. It was a pleasure doing business with you. When next you want to end the world, let me know.

Inspirations for this game:

http://home.austarnet.com.au/glazfolk/songs/faces.htm - Faces in the Dark
And, of course, The Curse of Millhaven and O'malley's bar.

1 comment:

  1. Read, then highlight the post and read it again :)
