Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Aurora Consurgens: on the nature of Omegas

Dr. Kim Li, Freemont University College, for The Radical Inquirer.

There are people in the world called Omegas, possessed of power ordinary humans can scarce imagine,things from stories and legends. Accept this as truth, or treat the following as a thought experiment.

It is theorized that every person has the potential to become an Omega, but this theory is, broadly, false. There is certainly some genetic basis for becoming an Omega, but environmental influences, the nature of other Omegas and one's own life and way of thinking are factors. As Omegas cannot be easily categorized, the question of why some become Omegas and others do not cannot be fit neatly into boxes. The following are observations, not certainties. There are outliers on every graph, and for Omegas moreso than perhaps others.


The emergence of Omegas tends to happen either during Puberty, College, Mid-Life Crsis or, more rarely, Old Age. (There is a class of younger Omegas, often triggered by abuse, but that is too dark and deep a topic to get into at present.)

Puberty: The emergence of the Omega during puberty is the most common, happening in at least 60% of documented cases. Testimony of Omegas tends to fit with this, though it seems to be more the age bracket that is affected rather than the actual onset of a specific stage of puberty itself. Most wake up one day from sleep and find they are no longer entirely human.

College: Several factors come into play here. Stress, a city with a lot of people (and hence, more Omegas) and a greater chance of meeting them tends to lead to the change during this stage. Curiously, most of these Omegas report being awake during the change.

Mid-life: As stress accompanies puberty and college, so too does it factor into the mid-life crisis. Further, becoming an Omega seems to happen to people suffering under the delusions of such crises and/or considering dramatic changed in lifestyle (for example, divorce). most of them deal poorly with the change of self that accompanies becoming an Omega and hates of attempted suicide are reportedly quite high.

Elderly: Omega abilities and changes developing among the elderly are uncommon but tend to be caused by a change in lifestyle, death in the family, being in a home with other Omegas present. Also, this is the only group where people have reported becoming Omegas out of need -- for example, to save the life of a grandchild to the extent that their form often seems imprinted by the desires of the child as well as the needs of the situation. (One Omega had their mind put into a stuffed bear a child owned, which became superhumanly powerful.)

To sum up, the key factors seem to be stress, change in one's life and/or immanent death that lead to at least 60% of people becoming Omegas. Others can have tose factor in, but tend to result from being in the proximity of Omegas: the more Omegas a location has, the more it seems to produce -- though since many Omega travel about this is difficult to verify.

Lastly, Omegas seem to be drawn to each other by their shared nature, which often manifests in the form of a further physical change which gives the Omegas s secondary ability associated with it. This change isn't always visible and seems to have no chemical or sensory basis. Nevertheless something draws them to each other, as if to long-lost kin.

Physical Mutation

The obvious signs of being an Omega are not actually that obvious at all times. Some 'tells', as they are called, only show whne using abilities, or when not using them, or are active at all times but can be covered. Further, some Omegas can make illusions for others and there are rumoured to be holographic devices that perform the same task. As a final cautionary note, some Omega changes approximate oddities found within the human spectrum, so someone with a large port wine stain may just have that, and not be able to bring chalk drawings to life, for example.

With few exceptions, no Omega likes referring to their change as a disability of any sort and a surprisingly most adapt quite comfortably to their changes. Or would, if not for the reactions of other humans and Omegas to them. This, of course, is the rate among those who do not take their lives, but given the variety of changes, and the nature of them -- which sometimes has little, or nothing, to do with their other ability -- tends to vary, but has yet to produce a non-viable lifeform.

In other words, no matter what the Omega becomes, they're still alive and their bodily processes adapt to the new state, if they aren't discarded altogether. Most Omegas tend to have minor cosmetic changes -- alterations to skin, body and appearance that still retain their basic human form. The second class tend to classify as 'monsters' in appearance, some being entirely astonishing entities that shouldn't be able to walk around, let along breathe and talk, yet ate still able to. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these Omegas are generally in hiding or killed shorting after their change takes place so further data on the physical change, and what purpose it may sere to Omegas as a whole, remains unknown. A third kind are Omegas who look human but lack physical bodies any longer: they are theorized to exist, give whatever causes Omegas to exist seems not to care too much about actual biological function, but few have been encountered.

All of which means there are at least two forces acting upon the Omega: their own fears, desires, wants and causes of stress that may be a factor in their ability and the secondary physical change, often coming with abilities of its own, whose nature and purpose is unknown. It may be that this is what marks Omegas as Omegas to each other, on some extremely fundamental level, but as yet there is no data to support this theory.

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