Thursday, April 07, 2011

Aurora Consurgens: Time and Space and PCs

We're into session 34 or so of the game, so a recap: (The Wed. in game will mark 2 weeks since the game began (for Kami) in game time).

Mailk and Teresa are on Sunday in the a.m., currently at Freemont General Hospital with Basil, attempting to let the kid see his parents.

Meanwhile, Mason is spending Sunday night with Samson, Kaegan, Jerry and Trevor, trying to get Samson to stop being a dick.

Over on Monday, Kami is working on fixing the Eye and Nattie is off doing SAFE stuff.

While on Monday evening, Teresa has become a police officer, has her own car, and has learned disturbing things about how the law can treat Omegas.

So far, no one has broken time (which is awesome) and things are proceeding well.

Things to keep in mind: Omegas have only 'surfaced' in the last five years, as far as many government institutions are concerned. They are trying to keep it under wraps and deal with Weird Stuff with budgets not equipped for that, so most of the hospitals and police forces are more liable to slip stuff under tables, lose paperwork, drug patients into comas because it's cheaper than trying to fix them/made cells for them etc.

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