Monday, February 26, 2007

Anime-ish Overkill Game - Thoughts

It has been suggested that a game be ran in #game1, ergo here are some thoughts on the aforementioned idea, known as "an amine/manga game", hereafter referred to as "the game". The court notes the following, but in readable prose in direct contravenence to the rules, forthwith ignoring that neither contravenence nor contravenance are actually proper derivatives of contravenes:

1) A maximum of Three (3) players would be allowed, owing to reasons of sanity and genre. A dramatic disparity in powers among the PCs (say, 1-2 sidekick/ally types to the MC) is possible if the players agree to such.

2) Anime characters tend to be defined by their flaws inasmuch as their strengths. (In many ways, they tend to be the same thing.) PCs in the game will require, per Beagle, "great sorrows and great joys, or half of their greatness goes unnoticed". Also, anime heroes tend to Excel at One Thing, to the expense of other things. This isn't always good, and limiting - which is probably the point.

3) Characters need to be made by group effort between players and the GM. Are they siblings? Friends? Wife and husband? Parent and child? etc. In addition to this, genre (for game) and setting need to be figured out.

Just my first basic thoughts on the conundrum.

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