All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him.
- H L Mencken
The idea: This is essentially Game1 doing Necessary Evil. By which: the Haud invade, sometime after Defenders ends (in game time) and take over. The heroes go to battle them and get killed/defeated - the stories differ; the villains believe they ran away I'd think :) - and the Haud have landed, and are taking over the world as a beachhead in their attempts to conquer the galactic hub.
The army has no hope, the global infastructure has begun to collapse, and the only thing between the Haud and taking over the world are ... supervillains.
Aka the PCs.
How it'll play out: This is up to the players, really. Some characters may be willing to ally with (aka use) others, some may see strategic alliances being vital. I imagine everyone will run into the prisoner's dilemma in some way :)A lot of what is done will depend on the PC, on what made them a villain, their own goals and desires -- some are likely to never consider themselves villains at all.
Character creation:
BESM, 3e. 700 points build. Max levels (see page 9, Superpowered listing) are enforced (though you can ignore the % in each guidelines), along with max level for attributes. The latter can be juggled about on a case by case basis -- if you want to be The Best Teleporter Evar(tm) then you'd want a level or two above the max. But for the most part we'll use the limits in the book to prevent gross overkill.
NOTE: unlike in Defenders, I will be allowing Dynamic Powers in this game. And Nullify, and Mind Control etc..
gm requirement: PCs need to be able to take damage and keep on going. Regen and/or armour and the like are almost a must.
Morality: It will be up to characters how far they go. To be on the safe side, each player may want to make more than 1 character, in case their original one is killed/controlled/put out of commission etc. You are, after all, playing the bad guys. And the player is not the character. I trust people can be adults about this. (And it's comics; even though it's not remotely 4 colour, resurrections can happen.)
The sitrep: The Haud are terribly powerful. They wiped out the heroes (somehow) after all, so the villains are left with the grim reality that, in order for their to BE a world they can rule/take over/get wealth from they have to defeat the Haud, or convince the Haud the planet is too dangerous to take. How they go about this is up to you all.
Toss other ideas/thoughts/etcs. in game1.
Final note: as with Defenders, you do NOT get points for most flaws and defects. You have 700 points; that's enough for anyone.
Caveat to the above:
Defenders had Hero Points. Oppressors will have Villain Points. Meaning: if you do something particularly nasty, you get 1 point. Flaws will translate into 10 of them = 1 villain point, to get something out of them.
Villain point expenditure
1 = divine intervention effect.
2 = +6 bonus to next roll.
5 = Critical Strike effect. (Can be declared once you hit.)
10 = comes back from the dead (somehow, some way)
Others can be added/modified at need.
With the exception of 10, using the same amount of points as someone else does can negate their in game use of villain points. In other words, their use must be declared in channel and other players can elect to use some of the PCs points to stop you. (Others could, conversely, counter the stoppage.) use of points in this manner is unaffected by character location.
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