Some caveats:
1) This will begin when Defenders ends* (should be 1-3 sessions, really)
2) Regular or 'when people are about' time needs to be determined. If the latter, what night(s) work best and so on.
3) UA is urban horror; except the weird, the surreal, the screwed up. The world is a reflection of the Pcs, the PCs are a reflection of the world.
* Defenders could continue; but defeating Wiley is basically the end of the plot. In what form it continues - if it does - will be up to players/gm after that.
First off, this game is going to need players. Contact Alcar if you are willing to play. Secondly, the players need to get together and decide what kind of game they want to play in and kinds of characters they want to make.
Some GM ideas:
- A game where the PCs ARE clued in. They know about magick, weirdness, the general occult underground. They may not be a cabal, but they at least have their toes in the water of weirdness and probably a good campfire on the beach.
- The PCs know each other before the game begins.
- PCs that reflect the sheer weird/odd/strange aspect of UA. Go big here. Go wild. Go crazy and nuts and have wild fun with it. Make characters you'd love to play, as long as they can interact and work with others.
The latter is pretty much essential. PCs may be screwed up, but they're somewhat functional. Exactly what this entails is up to everyone but at heart it means you interact with other pcs willingly. This is group role playing, after all. Consider it a challenge :P
Aside from that, nothing major springs to mind. I think most of the players are familiar with basic UA cosmology (if not, let me know). We can tweak it here and there, but generally we'll bend it more than break it. (This can be considered a challenge for the gm :p)
And that's it. Thoughts? Ideas? Throw them here, in channel, or wherever.
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