Thursday, July 24, 2014

Campaign Glossary

Abhuman: Humans who have discarded humanity to embrace more bestial lives; some bands of mutants qualify.

Aeon Priests: An order of scientifically-minded individuals determined to understand the Numenera. They use the trapping of religion to strengthen their power and the Amber Pope is generally accepted to be the force that stops the Steadfast from descending into war.

Angulan Knights: An order of human knights dedicated to removing stains on humanity, such as mutants.

Gaians: humans living somewhere in the far North; the Amber Pope has declared war upon them.

Margr: abhumans who have some aspect of the goat about them but otherwise don’t look alike; the most common abhumans, they live lives of brutal violence and kill each other (and anything else) out of rage, lust, or for the sheer sport of it.

Milvane: the name of the town the PCs are based out of.

Mrrog: six-legged beasts of burden, boasting two tails, pale to dark ridged skin along with eyes on the front and sides of their head, Mrrog generally have one family of 4-6 adults living near a human settlement and offer themselves to adventuresome types as free mounts. They appear to understand some measure of the Truth, though their motives are largely unknown.

Mutant: Humans with obvious differences from the base human form; not all mutants are obvious and there are some who will see manifestations of foci as mutations.  

Palot: Small village of mutants two hours south of Milvane; many of the mutants never leave it owing to the nature of their mutations.

Scarwood: Forest east of the town where the trees grow quickly; when cut down, the wood of the trees is shaped by brute force into curved segments that harden under intense heat, so most of the homes have the same curved-square look to them.

Shin: Unit of currency. More impressive and intricate found objects are worth more than a single shin. Likewise, oddities, cyphers etc. can be traded as well as need be.

Truth: Common/Basic language for the Steadfast, also found in the Beyond to an extent.  

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