Monday, July 14, 2014

Numenera PCs: things to keep in mind

Creating a PC is pretty easy all told. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that no two PCs can have the same foci.

Beyond that:

Your Description (Mystical, Strong, etc.) includes with it choices for the reason your PC joins the party.
Your foci includes one link to another PC (either new or ongoing if you've met before).
Your type (glaive, nano, jack) includes 3 basic background options and a roll for  your connection to the rest of the world.

This alone is a pretty solid basis for a PC: the rest, being how it all fits together, why your PC became an adventurer, what you've done beforehand and the like is entirely up to you. The setting outlined in a prior post is designed for short adventures, explorations around, under and sideways to the town of Milvane -- where the PCs go from there is up to everyone.

We'll play a few sessions and then figure out where the game will go: do the PCs thank the mayor and depart, do players make some mix of old/new PCs and set out following some quest or rumour? All this is up for grabs with nothing written down in stone; I plan to have a few intro. adventure hooks and seeds done up, and see where things go from that, with the 'mayor sends PCs on quest(s) hook existing for short adventures at the start.

One advantage of the game is that there is no need for a mix of Glaive, Jack, Nano in a 'party' and the like, so player absence isn't a huge deal. In game it will be explained by skedaddling back to town for supplies/cyphers/?, ditto with other players arriving on site. We'll figure stuff out and finagle things as needed. It should be fun, though gming and rarely rolling dice will take some getting used to.

(I bet he'll get used to it JUST FINE. - Sparkie)

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